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3 best practices for motorists during a DUI traffic stop

 Posted on June 19, 2023 in Criminal Defense


It is safe to assume that nearly everyone understands the dangers of driving while drunk. Unfortunately, the efforts of lawmakers to deter drunk driving have made things more difficult for all motorists.

Nowadays, you must be ready if the police pull you over on suspicion of drunk driving. The following DUI traffic stop tips can help you maintain your best behavior whileprotecting your rights.

1. Stay respectful and polite

Once an officer stops your vehicle, it does not matter if you are sober, so making a big fuss about it will not help your case. At that point, you are already involved, and there is an official record of the encounter. However, you can pad the experience in your favor by remaining calm, courteous and respectful. Getting angry or antagonizing the police could worsen your situation.

2. Watch what you say

Did you know you are not legally required to answer every question the police ask during a traffic stop? You shouldn't lie, but you can politely inform them that you cannot answer questions without legal representation. Police officers look for probable cause of drunk driving throughout these encounters. What you say can be used against you.

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What does zero tolerance mean for underage drivers?

 Posted on June 07, 2023 in Criminal Defense


Like many other states, Virginia uses zero-tolerance laws when it comes to underage drivers. These are any drivers who are 21 years old or younger, meaning there is generally a gap of about five years in which a driver could fit into this age group.

When looking at zero-tolerance laws, they referred to this driver's blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Most drivers are held to a standard of 0.08%. But zero tolerance means that a positive test could lead to a drunk driving arrest, even if that driver is well below the 0.08% limit.

Why is this done?

The general reason for this is that those who are under 21 are not allowed to drink in the first place. They shouldn't even be able to buy alcohol, and they certainly cannot possess it illegally. If it is found in their system, since they've already broken this law, then it exposes them to the potential for drunk driving allegations.

Could this be problematic?

There are some potential problems with zero-tolerance laws. For one thing, the driver may not actually feel that impairment at all.

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2 mistakes that can hurt your child custody case

 Posted on May 24, 2023 in Family Law


Divorce, in and of itself, is often a difficult process. The process becomes more challenging when kids are involved and the parents cannot seem to agree on the child's post-divorce living arrangements.

It is not uncommon for each parent to do everything in their power to get a custody order that favors them. In the process, they might end up making costly mistakes that could significantly derail their custody case. Here are some of these mistakes:

Taking your fights online

Social media can be a great platform for interacting with family and friends and sharing your mind with the world. However, when you have any legal matter on your hands, it is important that you are mindful of your social media activity.

Taking to social media to express your dissatisfaction with your spouse can only hurt your custody case. Do not disparage, mock or threaten your spouse. In fact, you are better off avoiding social media altogether during your divorce process.

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Tips to keep your divorce from becoming a drama

 Posted on May 19, 2023 in Family Law

If you watch American soaps or Latin American novelas, you will have seen many divorces become long, drawn-out dramas. While they make for great television, they are best avoided in real life because they're stressful, damaging and expensive.

The best kind of divorce is actually rather boring. They involve two people sitting down and discussing things in a civil manner, without dragging up the past or flinging mud at each other in court.

Focus on the solution rather than the problem

You cannot change the past. If your marriage has reached a point where it is no longer working then ending it is typically best for both people and any children involved. It can sometimes be hard for both parties to see this right now of course.

There are various issues you need to resolve to end your marriage:

  • If you have children you need to think about where they will live, how much time they will spend with each parent and how you will split paying to raise them.

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Manejando el estrés de un divorcio con una perspectiva optimista

 Posted on May 11, 2023 in Family Law

Hay pocos desafíos que la vida puede imponerle a uno más penosos y agotadores que el divorcio. Pero hay maneras de mirar la situación en manera optimista y enfocarse en el futuro con esperanza. Con planificación y dedicación, el divorcio podría ser el comienzo de una nueva etapa de éxito y felicidad en su vida.

Negocie estratégicamente

Una parte esencial del divorcio es cuando los cónyuges se sientan con sus abogados a negociar los términos del divorcio. Este paso puede ser muy contencioso y estresante, pero su abogado lo puede ayudar a navegar este proceso estratégicamente, con la mente en el futuro.

Por ejemplo, perder la casa puede ser una fuente de mucho estrés. Pero si usted negocia para ser compensado por su porción de la casa con otra propiedad, podría obtener algo que al final sería más valioso para usted que la casa. Haciendo las concesiones correctas podría asegurarse que salga de la fase de división de propiedad en la situación ideal.

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Reasons to mediate your divorce

 Posted on May 05, 2023 in Family Law

Divorce is difficult no matter what the circumstances. It can be especially difficult if children are involved. Going through a divorce via the court system can be a lengthy, adversarial process that often leaves the parties exhausted and resentful of the other.

However, going through the court system is not the only option for going through a divorce. Mediation, a form of alternative dispute resolution, is an alternative that works for many people, is cost-effective and efficient, and you can still bring your attorneys with you.

What is mediation?

Mediation is a process that brings together the divorcing parties, their attorneys (if they choose to), and a trained mediator who is a neutral third-party tasked with facilitating a structured conversation between the parties.

Mediations can take place with everyone in the same room or in separate rooms, in-person or virtually, and the mediator will help the parties come up with solutions that work for both of them.

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Vital tips to help you manage stress during your divorce

 Posted on April 24, 2023 in Family Law

Going through a divorce will automatically increase your stress level because it's such a major life change. It's up to you to find ways that you can bring it back down some.

Every situation is different, so one of the first things you need to do is to determine where your stress is coming from. Once you do that, you can take proactive steps to reduce stress.

Acknowledge your emotions

Accept that it's normal to feel a wide range of emotions during a divorce and give yourself permission to experience them without judgment. Share your feelings with friends, family or a support group, and let them help you through this challenging time. Ensure that you are getting enough sleep, eating well and exercising regularly to maintain your physical and mental health.

Set realistic expectations

Understand that divorce is a process, and it will take time to adjust to your new reality. Instead of dwelling on the things you can't change, concentrate on the aspects you can influence, such as your own reactions and decisions. Take the time to set a budget so you know what you can realistically handle financially.

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El buen carácter moral – ¿qué es, y cómo se prueba para la naturalización?

 Posted on April 18, 2023 in Immigration

La ciudadanía estadounidense es el premio al final de un camino largo y complejo, lleno de pasos importantes que pueden dar un dolor de cabeza aun al más dedicado. Uno de los pasos que crean mucha confusión para los solicitantes es cuando se tiene que probar que el solicitante tiene un buen carácter moral. ¿Qué significa? ¿Cómo se prueba?

¿Por qué tengo que demonstrar un buen carácter moral?

El departamento de inmigración estadounidense estableció el proceso y los requerimientos para el proceso de la naturalización. Bajo la ley, solo una persona de buen carácter moral puede ser calificado para cambiar su estatus migratorio de residente permanente a ciudadano – un proceso que se llama la naturalización.

¿Cómo se prueba?

Los funcionarios de la inmigración harán una revisión del registro penal de cada solicitante para ver si califica para la naturalización. También harán una entrevista con usted. Usted tiene el derecho de tener un abogado presente durante esta entrevista, si lo desea.

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Consideraciones especiales para una pareja que se divorcia más tarde en la vida

 Posted on March 27, 2023 in Family Law

El divorcio es un desafío enorme para cualquier pareja, sin importar la edad en que lo afrentan. Pero para las parejas que empiezan el proceso del divorcio más adelante en la vida, hay consideraciones especiales que tienen que tomar en cuenta que quizás no tendría una pareja más joven. Estas son algunas de las circunstancias más importantes para una pareja mayor.

La división de la propiedad

Por lo general, las parejas suelen acumular activos y recursos financieros significativos – no solo en valor, pero también en complejidad. La división de la propiedad matrimonial en un divorcio es mucho más complicada cuando la propiedad en cuestión incluye ahorros, inversiones, cuentas de pensiones, y más (enlace en inglés).

El cálculo de la pensión alimenticia

Cuando una corte tiene que determinar cuánto un cónyuge debería pagar al otro de pensión alimenticia, toman en consideración factores como la capacidad de ganancia de los dos. Este cálculo es más complicado para las personas mayores que quizás han estado fuera de la escuela y del mercado laboral por varias décadas.

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How to keep informed as your immigration application progresses

 Posted on March 26, 2023 in Immigration

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) usually notifies applicants about updates in their application status in two ways. First, an update is posted on an applicant's online account. Then, most of the time, confirmation of this update is sent to the applicant via the U.S. Postal Service.

It is critically important to understand how to check application updates online. All too often, time-sensitive information gets lost in the mail or is delayed by the Postal Service. As a result, applicants may find that they miss requests for information, notifications about appointments or other consequential updates to their application status until it is too late to address them.

Checking your application status online

To stay informed about the status of your case, log in to the USCIS case status portal by heading over to Once you're on the site, you'll need to enter your case receipt number, which is 13 characters long. It should appear on all of your notices from USCIS. It begins with three letters, followed by 10 numbers.

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