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Vienna, VA Criminal Defense Lawyers

Attorneys Providing Legal Representation in Criminal Cases in Vienna

If you have been arrested for a criminal offense in Vienna, it is likely that law enforcement and the prosecution are already collaborating to make the charges against you stick. A devoted criminal defense lawyer can meet with you privately to discuss your options to fight the charge, exploring realistic options to have your sentence reduced or get the charges dropped outright.

Whether you are up against a misdemeanor or felony offense, Salvado Law Offices has the skills and legal knowledge to represent you in court. We will strategize with you to determine how you can reach the best possible outcome in your case, and we will advocate for your rights in a court of law.


If you are found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while operating a motor vehicle in Virginia, you can be charged with DUI. A chemical test of your blood alcohol content (BAC) can serve as evidence, but it is not a hard requirement for the charge. If your BAC is tested at .08 percent or higher, you can be charged with DUI per se, which means that you are legally presumed to be intoxicated.

A first conviction of DUI in Virginia is a Class 1 misdemeanor, just one step below a felony. This offense carries a mandatory minimum fine of $250, up to a maximum of $2,500, with a possible jail sentence of up to twelve months. The misdemeanor penalties increase up until your third conviction, at which point, you will be charged with a Class 6 felony, with a possible prison sentence of one to five years.

At Salvado Law Offices, we can defend against a DUI charge with a strategy based on the specifics of your case. Chemical tests and officer observations are not always reliable measures of sobriety, and we will call out any improper procedures in the courtroom as we seek to have the charges against you dismissed or reduced.

Sex Crimes

Sex crimes are incredibly serious, with some offenses carrying years or even decades in prison, as well as sex offender registration. A rape charge in Virginia can be punished by life imprisonment, with a minimum sentence of five years. Our attorneys can investigate the alleged act to determine whether there was clear evidence of non-consensual contact or if the evidence is enough to convict you.

The possession, distribution, or solicitation of child pornography is a felony offense under Virginia law. Knowingly possessing child pornography is a Class 6 felony, while distributing it is an offense punishable by five to 20 years in prison. At Salvado Law Offices, we can represent you against these allegations while providing you with critical legal advice during your case.

Drug Crimes

Drug possession is strictly prosecuted in Virginia, even for simple possession. Possession of Schedule I or II substances like LSD or cocaine is charged as a Class 5 felony, punishable by one to 10 years in prison. Drug distribution carries even stricter penalties, with a prison sentence of five to 40 years for the distribution or sale of a Schedule I or II substance.

At Salvado Law Offices, we know how to defend against drug charges. In many cases, law enforcement and government employees overstep their bounds, such as by barging into private domiciles without a warrant or pulling people over without probable cause. If your rights were violated in a drug search, we can petition to have the evidence dismissed from court so that your Fourth Amendment rights will be protected.

Contact a Vienna, Virginia Criminal Defense Attorney Today

The right legal representation can make all the difference in a criminal case. At Salvado Law Offices, we are proud to defend residents of Vienna against allegations of misdemeanor and felony violations. We will fight for the best possible outcome in your case, protecting you to the fullest extent of the law. To schedule a free consultation with our criminal defense attorneys today, call our offices at 301-933-1814 or contact us online.

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