Rockville DUI/DWI Attorney
Skilled Defense Lawyer for DUI and DWI Charges in Rockville, MD
Due to decades of public service advertising and education campaigns, the dangers of drunk driving are well-known. People understand that when they operate vehicles while they are intoxicated because of alcohol use, they will not only put themselves and others at risk, but they will face serious criminal consequences. However, people may still make mistakes, and they could end up being charged with driving under the influence (DUI), driving under the influence per se (DUI per se), or driving while impaired (DWI) without realizing that they were intoxicated. DUI / DWI charges may also be related to the use of drugs, prescription medications, or a combination of different substances. Regardless of the reasons for a drunk driving arrest, an experienced attorney can provide essential legal help in these situations.
At Salvado Law Offices, we know how difficult it can be to deal with the fallout of DUI or DWI charges. We understand how these cases can affect people and their families, causing financial problems, making it difficult to drive for work or essential errands, and even leading to potential jail time in some cases. Fortunately, it is possible to defend against DWI or DUI charges, and as with other types of criminal cases, a person should be considered innocent until they are proven guilty. Our attorneys can help people who have been arrested for intoxicated driving determine what strategies may be used to resolve these matters and avoid lasting consequences.
The Difference Between DUI, DUI per se, and DWI in Maryland
Driving under the influence (DUI), driving under the influence per se (DUI per se), and driving while impaired (DWI) are terms that are often used interchangeably, but under Maryland law, they represent different levels of impairment. A person may be charged with DUI if the person’s normal coordination is substantially impaired by alcohol, without regard to whether the person submitted to a breath or blood test to determine their blood alcohol content. A person may also be charged with DUI per se if they are accused of operating a vehicle when they had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of at least 0.08 percent. The presence of illegal controlled substances in a person's system may also lead to DUI charges. Most of the time, when a person is arrested on suspicion of DUI, breath or blood tests will be used to measure their BAC, and they will face DUI charges if these tests show that they are over the legal limit.
Even if a person had a BAC that was below .08 gram of alcohol per 210 liters of breath, they may still face charges of drinking and driving. A person may be charged with driving while impaired (DWI) if the use of alcohol or drugs affected them in a way that affected their ability to safely operate a vehicle. In some cases, DWI charges may apply if chemical tests show that a driver has a BAC between 0.06 and 0.07 grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath. Prescription drugs or other medications may also result in charges of DWI if these substances or a combination of alcohol and drugs limit a person's ability to drive safely.
The specific penalties for DUI, DUI per se, or DWI will typically depend on whether a person is charged with a first offense or whether they have any previous convictions. Other factors may also influence the severity of the charges, including the presence of a minor in the vehicle or an accident in which someone was injured or killed. Fines for a first or second DUI or DWI may range from $500 to $2,000, and a person may also face a jail sentence ranging from two months to two years. Third or fourth offenses are punishable with longer prison sentences that can be as long as 5 or 10 years, respectively, and can carry several thousand dollars in fines. A DUI or DWI conviction or a failed or refused breath or blood test will also result in a driver's license suspension, which may range from six months to multiple years.
Defense Strategies for DUI and DWI Cases
There are several defense strategies that an attorney may employ to help a person avoid being convicted of DUI or DWI charges. These strategies can include:
- Challenging the traffic stop: If the traffic stop was not conducted lawfully, any evidence obtained as a result may be inadmissible in court. The field sobriety tests used during traffic stops are subjective, and it may be possible to challenge an officer's interpretation of these tests or show that other factors led to an improper arrest.
- Questioning the accuracy of BAC tests: Breathalyzer and blood tests can sometimes produce inaccurate results due to improper calibration, maintenance issues, or user error.
- Presenting alternative explanations: It may be possible to show that a person's behavior was not caused by alcohol impairment but was due to other factors, such as medical conditions. By demonstrating that a person's ability to operate a vehicle was not impaired, charges may be dismissed.
- Witness testimony: Statements from eyewitnesses, such as passengers in a vehicle, may support a defendant's version of events and challenge the prosecution's case.
Contact Our Rockville DUI/DWI Lawyers
The team of dedicated attorneys at Salvado Law Offices understands the serious nature of DWI and DWI charges, and we work to help our clients resolve these matters successfully while avoiding serious or long-term penalties whenever possible. Contact our firm today at 301-933-1814 to schedule a free consultation. You should not attempt to defend against these charges on your own—let our lawyers guide you through the legal process and advocate for a positive outcome. In addition to representing clients in the Rockville, Maryland area, we also assist with DUI cases in and around Falls Church, Virginia.