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College Park DUI Defense Attorney

Trusted Criminal Defense Lawyers Representing Clients for DUI in College Park, MD

A DUI charge in Maryland is nothing to scoff at. If you are convicted of driving under the influence or driving while impaired, you could instantly lose your driving privileges, in addition to the very real possibility of jail time and high fines. Contesting a criminal charge without legal representation can leave you open to the full brunt of the law, and prosecutors in Maryland may seek incarceration for a DUI conviction. The criminal defense lawyers at Salvado Law Offices represent clients accused of driving under the influence in College Park, and we will do everything in our power to help you avoid a conviction.

Types of DUI Charges in Maryland

DUI charges range in severity in Maryland, depending on whether it was your first offense, how much alcohol was present in your system, and other aggravating or mitigating factors. Our lawyers can advise you at any point of criminal proceedings, giving you an idea of how serious your case is and your options for having the charges dismissed or reduced.

First and foremost, you should know about a lesser DUI offense known as driving while impaired, or DWI. Drivers should not treat this charge lightly, as it entails a criminal record, up to 60 days in jail, and a possible fine of up to $500 just for a first offense. You can be charged with DWI at .07% blood alcohol content (BAC) but below .08%, which constitutes DUI; however, even if you test below .07%, you can still be charged with DWI if there is solid evidence of your impairment behind the wheel.

The penalties get steeper going from a DWI charge to DUI. At .08% BAC, you are presumed by state law to be under the influence, even if you showed no signs of impairment while driving; this presumption by BAC is known as DUI per se. For any DUI conviction, you can expect no more than a year of jail time and a possible $1,000 fine. The maximum penalties are doubled on a second offense, doubled again for a third offense, with the possibility of 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine for fourth or subsequent convictions.

Additionally, you could face aggravated felony charges of DUI under certain circumstances, such as a BAC reading over .15%, if you were driving recklessly, or if there was a minor passenger in the car, among other factors.

Defenses Against DUI Charges

There are a number of proven defenses that a criminal defense lawyer can employ to contest DUI charges in court. Depending on the specifics of your case, we can argue that:

  • The methods used to charge you were unlawful. Any traffic stop issued in Maryland has to respect your Fourth Amendment rights against illegal search and seizure. For a DUI charge to stand up in court, the arresting officer must have had probable cause to pull you over, that is, suspicion based on real evidence. Too often, officers of the law will profile citizens and act on a gut feeling rather than hard evidence.
  • The chemical testing was inaccurate or somehow skewed. The equipment and kits used to perform blood and breath tests can be easily tampered with, resulting in a reading that does not reflect your actual degree of impairment.
  • The evidence is insufficient. Roadside sobriety tests are often administered in poor conditions, which can result in a completely sober person failing the test. These test results may then be admitted as evidence to the court. We will challenge the validity of these tests, knowing how unreliable they can be.

Meet With a College Park, MD DUI Lawyer Today

If you face DUI charges in College Park, a skilled criminal defense lawyer at Salvado Law Offices can provide you with resilient representation in court. Our comprehensive legal services have garnered over 100+ 5-star reviews online, which we attribute to our continual diligence and attentiveness to our clients. To schedule a free consultation for a DUI case and other criminal charges, contact us at 301-933-1814 today.

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