What to Know About Liability and Dog Bite Claims
Dogs are man’s best friend, it is true. Yet dogs are also animals, and sometimes the worst can happen when a dog bites and hurts an innocent bystander. Whether the dog bites an adult or child, a dog bite can result in serious injury, emotional trauma, and financial harm.
If you have been attacked by a dog in Maryland, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit against the owner seeking financial compensation for your injuries. An experienced Rockville, MD dog bite attorney can represent your rights in a personal injury case to recover for your dog bites.
Who is Liable When a Dog Bites?
If you have been injured in a dog bite, you can sue to recover for your medical bills and non-financial damages such as pain and suffering. There are several theories of liability that can impact a personal injury recovery or settlement in Maryland.
Strict Liability
Maryland law provides for strict liability for dog bites. This means that the law holds a dog owner responsible for the dog bite without the injured party having to show that the dog owner acted wrongly. Just the fact that the dog caused injury creates a presumption that the owner knew the dog was dangerous and the owner was legally responsible for the injury. This applies to all breeds of dogs, not just pit bulls or other dangerous breeds that are responsible for a large portion of bite injuries.
You can also seek a personal injury claim for a dog bite based on negligence theory. Here, the owner is liable if you can show that the owner failed to act with reasonable care to prevent the dog from causing harm, which reasonably led to the dog bite. For example, if an owner did not properly leash a dog and let it run around unsupervised, that can help show that the owner was negligent.
Contributory Negligence
Contributory negligence affects your ability to recover in a dog bite case. Contributory negligence means that you are partially at fault for the dog bite incident. If a dog owner can prove that you were contributorily negligent, such as provoking the dog before the attack or ignoring warnings that the dog was dangerous or unleashed, that can affect your recovery.
Contact a Rockville, MD Personal Injury Attorney
If you have been the victim of a dog bite, you may be feeling traumatized and wondering about your ability to recover from your injuries and other damages. Our experienced Damascus, MD dog bite attorneys have a successful track record of negotiating and litigating dog bite personal injury cases. Call Salvado Law Offices at 301-933-1814 for a consultation today.